Using your VISA or MasterCard. Other payment options (cash, check, or Zelle) are provided in the Billing/Payments section below. Click the Accordion for details.
The majority of our classes are scheduled for 9 months beginning in September and ending with our final performance in May. Tuition for these classes is from September thru May. Tuition is not prorated based upon the number of classes taken or registering late. Periodically, workshops will be offered (as noted on the class details) for which payment in full is due at registration.
Two tuition payment plans are offered. Costume payment schedule remains the same with either option.
1. Payment in full for the entire year
- At Registration – Tuition portion for ALL classes is paid at registration with any applicable fees.
- Family Discount – A one-time discount of $15 is given per family if this option is chosen.
2. Payment is divided into 3 equal installments as detailed below. Payment due dates for classes that run the entire season from September thru May are:
- At Registration – first payment of tuition and any applicable fees.
- October 28th – second payment of tuition and any applicable fees.
- January 27th – FINAL payment of tuition, remaining costume balance and any applicable fees.
Invoices will be mailed about two weeks prior to the payment due date.
There is a one-time class fee of $10 for each music class taken payable at registration.
1. In person during normal business hours. We accept cash, check or credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover).
2. Click Here and pay with a credit card (VISA or MasterCard).
3. Using on line bill pay from your bank or credit union:
- Be sure to include your Family ID as your Account Number if you choose this method of payment
- Make checks payable to: Mt Zion Performing Arts
- Send all checks to: 4900 Maybee Rd, Clarkston MI 48348
4. Using our eMail address ([email protected]) from your bank or credit union:
- Be sure to include your Family ID as your Account Number if you choose this method of payment. Your Family ID can be found on your invoice above your name.
- Send all payments to: [email protected]
- Log into your on line bank account: Go to ‘send money via eMail’ or ‘send money using Zelle’.
5. Over the phone with a credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover).
Once registered, we are counting on your student to be a part of the program. This is critical as our teachers are part time and giving up employment elsewhere to support your child(ren). As such, we ask that you do not ‘drop’ a class unless no other alternative is available. That being said, we do recognize that circumstances come up that require your student to drop a class.
In order to drop a class, please complete a Drop/Add Form as soon as you are aware of the need to leave the class. This is critical because costumes are ordered as early as November and many plans are made based upon your student being in the class. Once the form is received, refunds will be given based upon the following schedule:
- Sept 16th through Sep 27th cancellations: 10% of full year tuition is required to be paid.
- Sep 28th through Oct 25th cancellations: 35% of full year tuition is required to be paid.
- Oct 26th through Nov 15th cancellations: 50% of full year tuition is required be paid.
- Nov 16th through Jan 26th cancellations: 75% of full year tuition is required be paid.
- Jan 27th through the end of the season: No tuition or costume refunds will be given.
Once registered, late registrations will follow the same schedule as noted above. Unless specifically requested, refund checks are processed and issued in June upon completion of our season. Click Here for Drop/Add Form.
Registration and other one-time fees including, but not limited to, class fee are non-refundable.
Mt. Zion Performing Arts is a non-profit organization owned and operated by Mt. Zion church. As a non-profit, we rely on your prompt payment in order for us to pay our staff and maintain our program for the benefit of your children. Although it is not our preference, the following fees will be assessed:
- Late Fee: A 5% fee will be applied on all past due accounts. The minimum fee will be $5.
- Bounced Check Fee: A $36 bank fee will be applied for all checks returned for non-sufficient funds.
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